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- .hrec file
- .rec file
- .rec file 1005
- AdditionalFunctions
- AmISpawned
- Attack Script
- Bodypart
- Bug List One
- ClaimEnterCheckpoint
- ClaimExitCheckpoint
- ClaimObjectShot
- ClaimObjectTouch
- ClaimPickup
- Command-line usage
- ConnectMultipleNpcs
- ConnectNPC
- ConnectNPCEx
- Downloads
- EnterVehicle
- Examples
- ExitVehicle
- ExitVehicleEx
- F
- FaceNPCToPlayer
- Field
- FireBullet
- FireProjectile
- FireSniperRifle
- FireSniperRifleEx
- GetAmmoOfMyWeapon
- GetAvailableWeapons
- GetCheckpointColor
- GetCheckpointCount
- GetCheckpointPos
- GetCheckpointRadius
- GetClosestPlayer
- GetDistanceFromMeToPoint
- GetLocalValue
- GetMyArmour
- GetMyClass
- GetMyColor
- GetMyFacingAngle
- GetMyHealth
- GetMyID
- GetMyName
- GetMyPos
- GetMySkin
- GetMyTeam
- GetObjectAlpha
- GetObjectCount
- GetObjectModel
- GetObjectPos
- GetObjectRotation
- GetPickupAlpha
- GetPickupCount
- GetPickupModel
- GetPickupPos
- GetPickupQuantity
- GetPlayerAction
- GetPlayerArmedWeapon
- GetPlayerArmour
- GetPlayerColor
- GetPlayerFacingAngle
- GetPlayerHealth
- GetPlayerKeys
- GetPlayerName
- GetPlayerPos
- GetPlayerSkin
- GetPlayerSlotAmmo
- GetPlayerSlotWeapon
- GetPlayerSpeed
- GetPlayerState
- GetPlayerTeam
- GetPlayerVehicleID
- GetScoreBoard
- GetSlotFromWeaponId
- GetStoreLocation
- GetStoreURL
- GetTickCount
- GetVehicleDamage
- GetVehicleDriver
- GetVehicleHealth
- GetVehicleModel
- GetVehiclePos
- GetVehicleRotation
- GetVehicleSpeed
- GetVehicleTurretRot
- HideNPCConsole
- InPoly
- IsCheckpointSphere
- IsCheckpointStreamedIn
- IsObjectShotReportEnabled
- IsObjectStreamedIn
- IsObjectTouchReportEnabled
- IsPickupStreamedIn
- IsPlaybackPaused
- IsPlaybackRunning
- IsPlayerConnected
- IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint
- IsPlayerNPC
- IsPlayerStreamedIn
- IsStoreDownloading
- IsVehicleStreamedIn
- Keys
- KillTimer
- LibAction
- LibRPC
- LibRPC Examples
- LibRPC F
- LibRPC Fa
- LibRPC S
- LibRPC Z
- LookAtPlayer
- LookAtPos
- Main Page
- NPCHide
- NPC Installation
- NPC PluginCommands
- NPC Plugins
- New Release
- Npcmodule
- OnBulletFired
- OnCheckpointDestroyed
- OnCheckpointStreamIn
- OnCheckpointUpdate
- OnClientMessage
- OnConsoleInput
- OnExplosion
- OnNPCClassSelect
- OnNPCConnect
- OnNPCDisconnect
- OnNPCEnterVehicle
- OnNPCExitVehicle
- OnNPCScriptLoad
- OnNPCScriptUnload
- OnNPCSpawn
- OnObjectDestroyed
- OnObjectStreamIn
- OnObjectUpdate
- OnPickupDestroyed
- OnPickupStreamIn
- OnPickupUpdate
- OnPlayerDeath
- OnPlayerStreamIn
- OnPlayerStreamOut
- OnPlayerText
- OnPlayerUpdate
- OnProjectileFired
- OnRecordingPlaybackEnd
- OnServerData
- OnServerShareTick
- OnSniperRifleFired
- OnStoreDownloadComplete
- OnTimeWeatherSync
- OnVehicleStreamIn
- OnVehicleStreamOut
- OtherFuncs2
- PauseRecordingPlayback
- Play Flags
- Player States
- PutServerInRecordingMode
- Quaternion
- QuitServer
- ReadByte
- ReadFloat
- ReadInt
- ReadString
- RecEdit
- RecordingTypes
- Recording Flags
- Recupdate
- Recupdate history
- ReqeustClassAbs
- RequestClass
- RequestClassAbs
- RequestSpawn
- ResumeRecordingPlayback
- ScriptCallbacks
- ScriptFunctions
- SelectWeapon
- SendChat
- SendCommand
- SendDeathInfo
- SendInCarSyncData
- SendInCarSyncDataEx
- SendInCarSyncDataLV
- SendOnFootSyncData
- SendOnFootSyncDataEx
- SendOnFootSyncDataLV
- SendPassengerSyncData
- SendPrivMsg
- SendServerData
- SendShotInfo
- Server.cfg
- SetConfig
- SetLocalValue
- SetMyFacingAngle
- SetMyHealth
- SetMyPos
- SetPSLimit
- SetTimer
- SetTimerEx
- ShowNPCConsole
- SquirrelPlugin
- Squirrel Standard Library Functions
- StartRecordingAllPlayerData
- StartRecordingPlayback
- StartRecordingPlayerData
- StopRecordingAllPlayerData
- StopRecordingPlayback
- StopRecordingPlayerData
- Suicide
- UpdateType
- V1 6 alpha release notes
- V1 6 beta2 release notes
- V1 6 beta3 release notes
- V1 6 beta4 release notes
- V1 6 beta5 release notes
- V1 6 beta release notes
- V1 7 beta2 release notes
- V1 7 beta3 release notes
- V1 7 beta release notes
- V1 8 beta3 release notes
- V1 8 beta4 release notes
- V1 8 beta release notes
- Vector
- Walking man
- WhereIsPlayer
- WriteByte
- WriteFloat
- WriteInt
- WriteString
- Z-finder