NPC Plugins

From NPC for VCMP 0.4 Servers
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The modules created must be placed in npcscripts/plugins directory. Use ConnectNPC to load them by specifying their names separated with spaces. For windows the extension is not necessary, whereas for linux the full name of the module as a file is to be provided.

Creating a Plugin for NPC Program[edit]

1. Things you will need: plugin headers plugin.h. Below is a sample plugin created using the plugin header. It contains 4 files only.

//file main.cpp
#pragma warning( disable : 4103)
#include "stdio.h"
#include "main.h"
PluginFuncs* pPluginFuncs;

void _OnPlayerDeath(uint8_t playerId) {
	printf("Module: player %d has died\n", playerId);
extern "C" unsigned int PluginInit(PluginFuncs* pluginFuncs, PluginCallbacks*  pluginCalls, PluginInfo*  pluginInfo) {
		pluginCalls->OnPlayerDeath = _OnPlayerDeath;
		pPluginFuncs = pluginFuncs;
		printf("Module: PluginInit called\n");
		return 1;
//file: main.h
#ifdef WIN32
#define EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
#define EXPORT
#include "plugin.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
	EXPORT	unsigned int	PluginInit(PluginFuncs* pluginFuncs, PluginCallbacks* pluginCalls, PluginInfo* pluginInfo);
#ifdef __cplusplus
//file: plugin.h
#pragma once
#include <stdint.h>
#include "utils.h"

enum class funcError {
	NoError = 0,
	EntityNotFound = 1,
	BufferShortage = 2,
	InputTooLarge = 3,
	ArgumentIsOutOfBounds = 4,
	ArgumentIsNull = 5,
	NameIsInvalid = 6,
	RequestIsDenied = 7,
	VehicleNotEntered = 8,
	NotDriverOfVehicle = 9,
	VehicleSeatIdInvalid = 10,
	WeaponNotPossessed = 11,
	ErrorUnknown = INT32_MAX

typedef enum {
	vcmpPlayerUpdateNormal = 0,
	vcmpPlayerUpdateAiming = 1,
	vcmpPlayerUpdateDriver = 2,
	vcmpPlayerUpdatePassenger = 3,
	forceSizeVcmpPlayerUpdate = INT32_MAX
} vcmpPlayerUpdate;

struct PluginInfo {
	uint32_t structSize;
	uint32_t pluginId;
	char name[32];
	uint32_t pluginVersion;
	uint16_t apiMajorVersion;
	uint16_t apiMinorVersion;

struct PluginFuncs {
	uint32_t structSize;//48 functions
	funcError(*GetLastError)() {};
	void (*SendCommandToServer)(const char* message) {};
	void (*SendChatMessage)(const char* message) {};
	void (*FireSniperRifle)(uint8_t weapon, float x, float y, float z, float dx, float dy, float dz) {};
	void (*SendShotInfo)(int bodypart, int animation) {};
	funcError(*SendInCarSyncData)(uint32_t dwKeys, uint8_t byteHealth, uint8_t byteArmour, uint8_t byteWeapon, uint16_t wAmmo, float fCarHealth, uint32_t dwDamage, VECTOR vecPos, QUATERNION quatRotation, VECTOR vecSpeed, float fTurretx, float fTurrety) {};
	void (*SendOnFootSyncDataEx)(uint32_t dwKeys, VECTOR vecPos, float fAngle, uint8_t byteHealth, uint8_t byteArmour, uint8_t byteCurrentWeapon, uint16_t wAmmo, VECTOR vecSpeed, VECTOR vecAimPos, VECTOR vecAimDir, bool bIsCrouching, bool bIsReloading) {};
	void (*SendOnFootSyncData)(uint32_t dwKeys, float x, float y, float z,
		float fAngle, uint8_t byteHealth, uint8_t byteArmour, uint8_t byteCurrentWeapon,
		uint16_t wAmmo, float speedx, float speedy, float speedz,
		float aimposx, float aimposy, float aimposz,
		float aimdirx, float aimdiry, float aimdirz, bool bIsCrouching, bool bIsReloading) {};
	void (*SendDeathInfo)(uint8_t weapon, uint8_t killerid, uint8_t bodypart) {};
	void (*SendPassengerSync)() {};
	void (*GetPosition)(float* x, float* y, float* z) {};
	void (*GetAngle)(float* fAngle) {};
	void (*SetPosition)(float x, float y, float z, bool sync) {};
	void (*SetAngle)(float fAngle, bool sync) {};
	funcError(*SetWeapon)(uint8_t byteWeaponId, bool sync) {};
	funcError(*RequestVehicleEnter)(uint16_t wVehicleId, uint8_t byteSeatId) {};
	funcError(*GetPlayerName)(uint8_t playerId, char* buffer, size_t size) {};
	funcError(*GetPlayerPosition)(uint8_t bytePlayerId, VECTOR* vecPosOut) {};
	float (*GetPlayerAngle)(uint8_t bytePlayerId) {};
	uint8_t(*GetPlayerHealth)(uint8_t bytePlayerId) {};
	uint8_t(*GetPlayerArmour)(uint8_t bytePlayerId) {};
	uint8_t(*GetPlayerWeapon)(uint8_t bytePlayerId) {};
	bool (*IsPlayerCrouching)(uint8_t bytePlayerId) {};
	bool (*IsPlayerReloading)(uint8_t bytePlayerId) {};
	uint32_t(*GetPlayerKeys)(uint8_t bytePlayerId) {};
	funcError(*GetPlayerSpeed)(uint8_t bytePlayerId, VECTOR* vecSpeedOut) {};
	funcError(*GetPlayerAimDir)(uint8_t bytePlayerId, VECTOR* vecAimDirOut) {};
	funcError(*GetPlayerAimPos)(uint8_t bytePlayerId, VECTOR* vecAimPosOut) {};
	uint16_t(*GetPlayerWeaponAmmo)(uint8_t bytePlayerId) {};
	uint8_t(*GetPlayerState)(uint8_t bytePlayerId) {};
	uint16_t(*GetPlayerVehicle)(uint8_t bytePlayerId) {};
	uint8_t(*GetPlayerSeat)(uint8_t bytePlayerId) {};
	uint8_t(*GetPlayerSkin)(uint8_t bytePlayerId) {};
	uint8_t(*GetPlayerTeam)(uint8_t bytePlayerId) {};
	uint8_t(*GetPlayerWeaponAtSlot)(uint8_t bytePlayerId, uint8_t byteSlotId) {};
	uint16_t(*GetPlayerAmmoAtSlot)(uint8_t bytePlayerId, uint8_t byteSlotId) {};
	funcError(*GetVehicleRotation)(uint16_t wVehicleId, QUATERNION* quatRotOut) {};
	uint16_t(*GetVehicleModel)(uint16_t wVehicleId) {};
	funcError(*GetVehiclePosition)(uint16_t wVehicleId, VECTOR* vecPosOut) {};
	uint8_t(*GetVehicleDriver)(uint16_t wVehicleId) {};
	float (*GetVehicleHealth)(uint16_t wVehicleId) {};
	uint32_t(*GetVehicleDamage)(uint16_t wVehicleId) {};
	funcError(*GetVehicleSpeed)(uint16_t wVehicleId, VECTOR* vecSpeedOut) {};
	funcError(*GetVehicleTurretRotation)(uint16_t wVehicleId, float* Horizontal, float* Vertical) {};
	bool (*IsVehicleStreamedIn)(uint16_t wVehicleId) {};
	bool (*IsPlayerStreamedIn)(uint8_t bytePlayerId) {};
	bool (*IsPlayerSpawned)(uint8_t bytePlayerId) {};
	bool (*IsPlayerConnected)(uint8_t bytePlayerId) {};

struct PluginCallbacks {
	uint32_t structSize;
	void (*OnPlayerDeath)(uint8_t bytePlayerId) {};
	void (*OnPlayerText)(uint8_t bytePlayerId, char* text, uint16_t length) {};
	void (*OnNPCEnterVehicle)(uint16_t vehicleid, uint8_t seatid) {};
	void (*OnNPCExitVehicle)() {};
	void (*OnPlayerStreamIn)(uint8_t bytePlayerId) {};
	void (*OnPlayerStreamOut)(uint8_t playerid) {};
	void (*OnVehicleStreamIn)(uint16_t vehicleid) {};
	void (*OnVehicleStreamOut)(uint16_t vehicleid) {};
	void (*OnNPCDisconnect)(uint8_t reason) {};
	void (*OnSniperRifleFired)(uint8_t playerid, uint8_t weapon, float x, float y, float z, float dx, float dy, float dz) {};
	void (*OnPlayerUpdate)(uint8_t bytePlayerId, vcmpPlayerUpdate updateType) {};
	void (*OnNPCConnect)(uint8_t byteId) {};
	void (*OnClientMessage)(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, char* message, uint16_t len) {};
	void (*OnNPCSpawn)() {};
	void (*OnCycle) () {};
//file utils.h
#ifndef UTILS_H
#define UTILS_H
#include "math.h"
#pragma pack(1)
typedef struct _VECTOR
	float X;
	float Y;
	float Z;
		this->X = 0.0, this->Y = 0.0, this->Z = 0.0;
	_VECTOR(float x, float y, float z)
		this->X = x;
		this->Y = y;
		this->Z = z;
	_VECTOR operator+(const _VECTOR& vector)
		_VECTOR result;
		result.X = this->X + vector.X;
		result.Y = this->Y + vector.Y;
		result.Z = this->Z + vector.Z;
		return result;
	_VECTOR operator+=(const _VECTOR& vector)
		this->X += vector.X;
		this->Y += vector.Y;
		this->Z += vector.Z;
		return *this;
	_VECTOR operator-(const _VECTOR& vector)
		_VECTOR result;
		result.X = this->X - vector.X;
		result.Y = this->Y - vector.Y;
		result.Z = this->Z - vector.Z;
		return result;
	_VECTOR operator-=(const _VECTOR& vector)
		this->X -= vector.X;
		this->Y -= vector.Y;
		this->Z -= vector.Z;
		return *this;

	float GetMagnitude()
		return (float)sqrt(
			pow(this->X, 2) + pow(this->Y, 2) + pow(this->Z, 2)

#pragma pack(1)
typedef struct _QUATERNION
	float X;
	float Y;
	float Z;
	float W;
		this->X = 0;
		this->Y = 0;
		this->Z = 0;
		this->W = 1;
	_QUATERNION(float x, float y, float z, float w)
		this->X = x;
		this->Y = y;
		this->Z = z;
		this->W = w;