
From NPC for VCMP 0.4 Servers
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The execArg parameter will be added in v1.8 (not released as of 24 January 2024)

Version 1.6 has added parameter plugins. Version 1.5 patch2 has added parameter enableconsoleinput. Earlier versions do not have this parameter

Connect an NPC to the server


(name, script="", enableconsoleinput=false, host="", plugins="", execArg="")

name : The name for the NPC to use.
script : The script NPC must use. This script must reside in npcscripts folder.(with the ".nut" extension)
enableconsoleinput : true/false. If true, text typed in the console is passed to the npcscript by calling the function OnConsoleInput, if available. If true, the console will not be hidden. If false, text cannot be typed in the console and visibility of console depends on ShowNPCConsole called earlier. The text will be compiled and executed if OnConsoleInput function is not available!
host : The IP address of the host running vcmp server.
plugins : The string containing list of plugins to be loaded.
execArg : The string will be compiled and executed by the squirrel machine before loading the script. ConnectNPC("bot7","",false,"","","function OnNPCSpawn(){SendChat(\\\"I spawned.\\\")}"). See this note

Return Values:
This function does not return any specific values.

Important Note:
The parameter enableconsoleinput=true on Linux causes the program to wait for 'Enter' key indefinitely. This is fixed in v1.6 beta.


function onScriptLoad()
	ConnectNPC("[Bot]John", "test.nut");

Related Functions

The following functions may be helpful as they relate to this function in one way or another.