
From NPC for VCMP 0.4 Servers
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This function was added in v1.8 beta and will not work on previous versions.

Starts playback recording on all players and an hrec file is produced in recordings/a_server/


( hrecfilename, rectype=3, flags=REC_ALLNAME)

hrecfilename : The name of the hrec file without ".hrec" extension. This file will be created in recordings/a_server folder
rectype : The type for playback recording which will be started on individual players, which in this case is 3 (PLAYER_RECORDING_TYPE_ALL)
flags : The flags for the playback recording on individual players. Note that it is suitable to have REC_SPAWN so that npc will automatically choose classes. The default value if not provided is REC_ALLNAME (which contains REC_SPAWN, REC_DEATH, etc )

Return Values:
Returns true on success and false on failure (server already in recording mode)

Important Note:
Calling this function will stop any playback recordings started with StartRecordingPlayerData or StartRecordingAllPlayerData


function onScriptLoad()
function onServerStop()

Related Functions

The following functions may be helpful as they relate to this function in one way or another.