
From NPC for VCMP 0.4 Servers
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This function was added in v1.8 and will not work in previous versions.

Sets the absolute class to spawn. If npc is dead, then it will choose the specified class immediately.



classID : The ID of the class (0,1,2,..) to spawn at.

Return Values:
The function returns true on success and null on error (classID greater than 49 or npc not connected)

Important Note:
This function can also be used when npc is not dead:

RequestClassAbs(8) ;//Will spawn at class 8 next time npc dies
Suicide()  //doing suicide 
SetTimerEx("RequestClass",4000,1);  //call requestclass after 4 seconds


RequestClassAbs(9) ;//Choose class with ID = 9.

Related Functions

The following functions may be helpful as they relate to this function in one way or another.