
From NPC for VCMP 0.4 Servers
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This function was added in v1.8 beta and will not work on previous versions.

Opens a .hrec_file and starts connecting npcs using name present in the file.



filename : The name of the hrec file without the ".hrec" extension. The file must be present in the recordings/a_server/ folder.
host : The IP address of the server to connect the npcs.
flags :

Flag Table
Flag Description Value
HF_AUTOMATIC_PLAY Starts playing playback on class select. 1
HF_DISCONNECT_AT_END Disconnects after playback is finished. 2
HF_SHOW_CONSOLE The console of NPCs will be visible. 4

execArg : The string to be executed when npc is connected.

When HF_AUTOMATIC_PLAY is used, "function OnNPCClassSelect() {if (!IsPlaybackRunning())StartRecordingPlayback(3, \\\""+filename_rec+"\\\")};" is prepended to execArg. When HF_DISCONNECT_AT_END is used, "function OnRecordingPlaybackEnd(){QuitServer()};" is also prepended. If you do not want npc to play automatically on connect (on Class Select), pass HF_NONE=0 as flag and use execArg parameter.

Return Values:
true, on success. throws error on failure. Error codes information for debugging

Error Codes Information
Error Code Description
1 Indicates that a play operation is already in progress.
2 Indicates an error occurred while trying to open a file.
3 Indicates an error during the process of reading a magic number from a file.
4 Indicates that the magic number read from the file is not valid or expected.
5 Indicates an error occurred while reading data from a file.
6 Indicates a failure in memory allocation, possibly during dynamic memory allocation.
7 Indicates a failure to establish a connection.
8 Indicates an error while trying to read a new row or record.
9 Indicates an error while attempting to seek or position within a file.


Assuming file titled two_friends.hrec in recordings/a_server/ folder. If friend1.rec and friend2.rec are the associated playback recordings with the .hrec_file given, they must be in the folder npcscripts/recordings like any other .rec_file.

Related Functions

The following functions may be helpful as they relate to this function in one way or another.