NPC PluginCommands
- 0x3b457A00 (Echo)
This will print the text on console
- 0x3b457A01 (StartRecording)
plgncmd 0x3b457A01 1 3 car_test 60 start recording player 1, recording type=3, filename=car_test, flags=60
- 0x3b457A02 (StopRecording)
plgncmd 0x3b457A02 1 stop recording player 1
- 0x3b457A03 (AllPlayers-StartRecording-Including-Future-players)
plgncmd 0x3b457A03 3 60 1 recording type=3, flags=60, newplayers=1 means when other players connected, they will also be automatically recorded
- 0x3b457A04 (AllPlayers-StopRecording)
stop all plgncmd 0x3b457A04 stop all recording
- 0x3b457A05 (Server-Recording-Start) (This is same as previous, except a .hrec file will be produced. That can be used to replay events)
server record plgncmd 0x3b457A05 3 60 christmas_event recording type=3, flags=60, hrec filename=christmas_event
- 0x3b457A06 (Server-Recording-Stop)
stop server record plgncmd 0x3b457A05 stop server record. This will stop all recordings.
- 0x3b457A07 (Connect multiple Npcs to play .hrec file)
plgncmd 0x3b457A07 fifth filename=fifth.hrec in recordings/a_server and host= (host may be omitted)
- 0x3b457A08 (Stop connecting Multiple Npcs)
plgncmd 0x3b457A08 Stop processing the hrec file started using 0x3b457a07.
Connect npc
- 0x3b457A09 (ConnectNPC)
plgncmd 0x3b457A09 john npctest.nut . . 1 -293.014 -590.059 12.8528 . . 2
script="npctest.nut" or put "." to ignore (no script)
host = or put "." (both are same, since default value=
plugin = specify one plugin to be loaded or put "." to ignore. Multiple plugin loading is not supported this way at the moment.
execarg = put "." to ignore. (not supported, due to space inside strings)
consoleinput = 1 or 0 . put "." means 0
x = 293.014, y = -590.059, z=12.8528 (spawn location). To ignore, put ". . ." (3 dots with spaces)
skin = specify 0 for tommy vercetti, 1 for cop, 2 for fbi etc OR put "." to ignore so that default skin of class will be used
weapon = specify one weapon id which the server will grant npc when spawned. Put "." to ignore
class = 2. specify classid to spawn if you want to spawn at class 1, 2, etc. Omitting or "." means class 0 by default.
Note: Only npcname is mandatory. so:
plgncmd 0x3b457A09 adam
will connect an npc named adam, which will spawn at class 0 with its skin. To spawn npc at malibu club:
plgncmd 0x3b457A09 adam . . . . . 491.238 -82.4793 11.2324
These plugin commands al Every success message will contain the word: 'Success' and every error message contain word 'Error'

so return messages. The 0x3b457A01 will return in channel 0x3b457A11, 02 in 12 and so on. Messages like
Success. Recording Started for player 1
or errors
Error: recordtype must be 1, 2 or 3