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  • 15:12, 30 December 2024GetScoreBoard (hist | edit) ‎[932 bytes]Habi (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<poem style="border: 2px solid #d6d2c5; background-color: #f9f4e6; padding: 1em;"> This function was added in v1.8 beta 5(not released as of 30.Dec.2024) and will not work on previous versions. </poem> {{Welcome|desc=Gets the scoreboard along with ping of players.| params=<source>process_scoreboard</source> ::process_scoreboard : A one parameter function like <source inline>function(data)</source> which will be called when scoreboard table arrives from server. On succes...")
  • 17:34, 29 October 2024IsPlaybackPaused (hist | edit) ‎[470 bytes]Habi (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{v1_8_beta}} {{Welcome|desc=This function tells whether any playback is in paused state.| params=<source>NoParams</source>| example=<source lang="lua"> if(IsPlaybackRunning()) { if(IsPlaybackPaused()) print("The playback is paused\n"); }| retvals=true, if playback is paused and false otherwise(playback is not running or running but not paused)| note=This function returns false when playback is not running| relfuncs=*IsPlaybackRunning }}")
  • 17:29, 29 October 2024IsPlaybackRunning (hist | edit) ‎[339 bytes]Habi (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{v1_8_beta}} {{Welcome|desc=This function is used to determine if the playback is running| params=<source>NoParams</source>| retvals=false, if playback is not running or paused. true otherwise| relfuncs=*IsPlaybackPaused *StartRecordingPlayback *StopRecordingPlayback *PauseRecordingPlayback *ResumeRecordingPlayback}}")
  • 17:25, 29 October 2024GetMyColor (hist | edit) ‎[236 bytes]Habi (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{v1_8_beta}} {{Welcome|desc=This function is used to find the color(r,g,b) of NPC itself.| params=<source>NoParams</source>| retvals=This function returns a table with keys <source inline>r,g,b</source>.| relfuncs=*GetPlayerColor}}")
  • 17:23, 29 October 2024GetPlayerColor (hist | edit) ‎[421 bytes]Habi (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{v1_8_beta}} {{Welcome|desc=This function is used to find the color(r,g,b) of another player(the marker in map as well as name tag).| params=<source>(playerid)</source> <poem>::playerid : The ID of the target player whose color is to be found. </poem>| retvals=This function returns a table with keys <source inline>r,g,b</source> on success and null on failure(target player does not exist)|}}")
  • 17:16, 29 October 2024SendPrivMsg (hist | edit) ‎[470 bytes]Habi (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{v1_8_beta}} {{Welcome|desc=This function sends a private message to another player.| params=<source>(playerid, message)</source> <poem> ::playerid : The ID of the target player to whom private message is to be send. ::message : The message to send. </poem>| example=<source> function OnPlayerStreamIn(playerid) { SendPrivMsg(playerid, "Come near me"); } </source>| retvals=true on success, false on failure(invalid playerid)| relfuncs=*SendChat}}")
  • 17:09, 29 October 2024GetMyArmour (hist | edit) ‎[305 bytes]Habi (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{v1_8_beta}} {{Welcome|desc=This function returns the Armour of the NPC|params=<source>NoParams</source>| example=<source> if(AmISpawned()) { print("I have armour "+GetMyArmour()+"\n"); } </source>| retvals=The Armour of npc.| relfuncs=*GetPlayerArmour *GetMyHealth}}")
  • 17:06, 29 October 2024GetMyTeam (hist | edit) ‎[265 bytes]Habi (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{v1_8_beta}} {{Welcome|desc=This function will return the team ID (0-255) of NPC.| params=<source inline>NoParams</source>|example=<source>print("My Team ID is "+ GetMyTeam()+ "\n");</source>| retvals=The Team ID of the npc|relfuncs= *GetPlayerTeam *GetMySkin|}}")
  • 17:02, 29 October 2024GetMySkin (hist | edit) ‎[222 bytes]Habi (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{v1_8_beta}} {{Welcome|Returns the skin ID of the NPC.| params=<source>NoParams</source>| example=<source inline>local myskin=GetMySkin()</source>| retvals=The Skin ID of the NPC.| relfuncs=*GetPlayerSkin|}}")
  • 16:58, 29 October 2024LookAtPos (hist | edit) ‎[453 bytes]Habi (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Welcome| desc=This function sets the angle of npc such that it looks at the position given| params=<syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> pos</syntaxhighlight> <poem>::pos : The Vector position to which npc must look</poem>| example= The following code makes to look at player with ID 0. <source lang="lua"> LookAtPos(GetPlayerPos(0))</source>| relfuncs=*LookAtPlayer| retvals=true on success and false on failure (npc not spawned or npc is in vehicle.| }}")
  • 10:10, 23 October 2024V1 8 beta4 release notes (hist | edit) ‎[3,122 bytes]Habi (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<poem style="border: 2px solid #d6d2c5; background-color: #ffd789; padding: 1em;"> '''Version 1.8 beta 4''' Release date : 24.October.2024 </poem> *Fixed Vehicle Driver not reset(GetVehicleDriver) when a player as driver exit the vehicle. *Added function FireBullet reenabling npc to shoot things. *API is now 1.8 *Fixed npc not able to get into vehicle as driver when player is inside vehicle as passenger. *Fixed npc not closing doors after exiting vehicle. *Npcclient can...")