Revision as of 16:07, 9 March 2022 by (talk) (Created page with "{{Welcome| desc=This will run a .rec file which has to be saved in the npcscripts/recordings folder. The NPC will follow the actions recorded in the file.| params=<syntaxhighl...")
This will run a .rec file which has to be saved in the npcscripts/recordings folder. The NPC will follow the actions recorded in the file.
(playbacktype, recordname)
playbacktype : The type of the recording to be loaded
recordname : The name of the .rec file to run.
Return Values:
This function does not return any specific values.
function OnNPCEnterVehicle(vehicleid, seatid) { print("I entered vehicle "+vehicleid+" and my seat is "+seatid+"\n"); StartRecordingPlayback(2,"stretch.rec"); }