Walking man
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This script uses SetAnim every 100 ms.
This script is made as of npcclient version 1.6 beta 4 patch 1.
Server Side
1. In scripts/main.nut, connect our npc using
ConnectNPC("[npc]captain", "walking_man.nut", false, "", "rpclib z-finder")
false - console off, put true - console on
"" - host IP, default to
rpclib - npc module (to be placed in npcscripts/plugins)
z-finder - another module to get z co-ordinates
NPC side
2. Create npcscripts/walking_man.nut The following script expects "vicecity.map" mapfile on server directory.
target<-null;timerid<-null; WALK_START <- Vector(-872.146, -431.502, 11.5288); WALK_END <- Vector( -870.825, -296.79, 11.173); function WalkToPoint(point) { target=point; if(timerid==null) { timerid=SetTimerEx("step_forward",100,0); //Remotely calling functions 'compilestring' of server. RFC(F("compilestring")("function SetWalkingAnimation(id){ local p=FindPlayer(id); if(p && IsPlayerNPC(id))p.SetAnim(0,0);else WalkTimer"+GetMyID()+".Delete()}"))(); RFC(F("compilestring")("WalkTimer"+GetMyID()+"<-NewTimer(\"SetWalkingAnimation\",100,0,"+GetMyID()+")"))(); } } function onDestinationReached() { if( GetDistanceFromMeToPoint( WALK_START ) < 2 ) WalkToPoint( WALK_END ); else if( GetDistanceFromMeToPoint( WALK_END ) < 2 ) { WalkToPoint( WALK_START ); //print something on server console. RFC("print")("npc: i completed one round of patrol"); } } function step_forward() { local newpos=GetMyPos()+(target-GetMyPos()).Normalised()*0.14; newpos.z=FindZFor2DCoord(newpos.x, newpos.y)+1.0425; SetLocalValue(V_POS, newpos); SetLocalValue(F_ANGLE, atan2(-(target.x-GetMyPosX()),target.y-GetMyPosY())); if((target-GetMyPos()).Length()<0.8)//reached destination { if(timerid!=null) KillTimer(timerid); timerid=null; //stop timer of server RFC(F("compilestring")("WalkTimer"+GetMyName()+".Delete()"))(); } else SendOnFootSyncDataLV(); if(timerid==null) onDestinationReached(); } function OnNPCSpawn() { SetTimerEx("SetMyPos",700, 1, WALK_START ); // SetMyPos(WALK_START); print(GetMyPos()); SetTimerEx("WalkToPoint", 1000, 1, WALK_END ); //WalkToPoint( WALK_END ); //Acquire weapon and skin RFC(F("compilestring")("FindPlayer("+GetMyID()+").SetWeapon(4,1);"))(); RFC(F("compilestring")("FindPlayer("+GetMyID()+").Skin=1"))(); SetTimerEx("SetLocalValue", 1000,1, I_CURWEP, 4); } function OnNPCScriptLoad(params) { if(!MiamiScale_Init("vicecity.map")) { SendChat("My map is not loaded. Bye"); QuitServer(); } } function OnNPCScriptUnload() { MiamiScale_Unload(); }