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This will send a packet to server which is filled by the following parameters.
( sniperid, aimposx, aimposy, aimposz, dx, dy, dz)
sniperid : The weapon ID of sniper (28 or 29) to fire.
aimposx : The x co-ordinate of aim position of NPC ( can be determined using server using player.AimPos or can be calculated artificially).
aimposy : The y co-ordinate of aim pos
aimposz : The z co-ordinate of aimpos
dx, dy, dz = The normalized direction vector(from aimpos to target ) multiplied by 16.
Return Values:
This function does not return any specific values.
//Sniper Rifle function SnipeAt(tPos, isReloading=false, isHeadShot=false) { if(isHeadShot)tPos.z+=0.627299; local Pos= GetMyPos(); local aimPos = Vector( Pos.x, Pos.y, Pos.z-0.2); local angle= atan2(-(tPos.x-aimPos.x), tPos.y-aimPos.y); local alpha = atan2( tPos.z - aimPos.z, sqrt( pow( tPos.y - aimPos.y, 2 ) + pow( tPos.x - aimPos.x , 2 ) ) ); local dx = cos(alpha) * sin(-angle); local dy = cos(alpha) * cos(-angle); local dz = sin(alpha); local keys= 577 ; local ammo = GetLocalValue(I_CURWEP_AMMO ); aimPos+=Vector( dx, dy, dz); SendOnFootSyncData( keys, Pos.x,Pos.y, Pos.z, angle, GetPlayerHealth( npcid ), GetPlayerArmour( npcid ), GetPlayerArmedWeapon( npcid ),ammo, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, aimPos.x, aimPos.y, aimPos.z, dx, dy, dz, false, isReloading ); SetTimerEx("FireSniperRifle", 60, 1, GetPlayerArmedWeapon(npcid), Pos.x, Pos.y, Pos.z, 16.0*dx, 16.0*dy, 16.0*dz ); } //Grab npc ID function OnNPCConnect(myplayerid) { npcid<-myplayerid; }