Walking man
This script uses SetAnim every 100 ms.
This script is made as of npcclient version 1.6 beta 4 patch 1.
This is a npcscript which remotely execute server functions. With the help of npc04 plugin, it dynamically creates as well as delete functions in the roottable of server. One of the function it creates on server is a timer which calls player.SetAnim(0,0)
where player is the npc, at regular intervals. At the same time it updates position from npcscript. This creates the effect that the npc is walking.
The npc04 plugin currently allow function calls through clientscriptdata only if the client is admin. Hence it is required to make the walking npc an admin (player.Admin=true
) in the server.
function onPlayerJoin( player ) { if(player.IsNPC && player.IP=="") //automatically make npc admin to execute commands. ip check is important. player.IsAdmin=true; }
Server Side
1. In scripts/main.nut, connect our npc using
ConnectNPC("[npc]captain", "walking_man.nut", false, "", "rpclib z-finder")
false - console off, put true - console on
"" - host IP, default to
rpclib - npc module (to be placed in npcscripts/plugins)
z-finder - another module to get z co-ordinates
Map File
2. You need to place default.map in server directory. This map-file was previously referred as vicecity.map in this wiki
NPC side
3. Create npcscripts/walking_man.nut The following script expects "default.map" mapfile on server directory.
target<-null;timerid<-null; WALK_START <- Vector(-872.146, -431.502, 11.5288); WALK_END <- Vector( -870.825, -296.79, 11.173); function WalkToPoint(point) { target=point; if(timerid==null) { timerid=SetTimerEx("step_forward",100,0); //Remotely calling functions 'compilestring' of server. RFC(F("compilestring")("function SetWalkingAnimation(id){ local p=FindPlayer(id); if(p && IsPlayerNPC(id))p.SetAnim(0,0);else WalkTimer"+GetMyID()+".Delete()}"))(); RFC(F("compilestring")("WalkTimer"+GetMyID()+"<-NewTimer(\"SetWalkingAnimation\",100,0,"+GetMyID()+")"))(); } } function onDestinationReached() { if( GetDistanceFromMeToPoint( WALK_START ) < 2 ) WalkToPoint( WALK_END ); else if( GetDistanceFromMeToPoint( WALK_END ) < 2 ) { WalkToPoint( WALK_START ); //print something on server console. RFC("print")("npc: i completed one round of patrol"); } } function step_forward() { local newpos=GetMyPos()+(target-GetMyPos()).Normalised()*0.14; newpos.z=FindZFor2DCoord(newpos.x, newpos.y)+1.0425; SetLocalValue(V_POS, newpos); SetLocalValue(F_ANGLE, atan2(-(target.x-GetMyPosX()),target.y-GetMyPosY())); if((target-GetMyPos()).Length()<0.8)//reached destination { if(timerid!=null) KillTimer(timerid); timerid=null; //stop timer of server RFC(F("compilestring")("WalkTimer"+GetMyName()+".Delete()"))(); } else SendOnFootSyncDataLV(); if(timerid==null) onDestinationReached(); } function OnNPCSpawn() { SetTimerEx("SetMyPos",700, 1, WALK_START ); // SetMyPos(WALK_START); //print(GetMyPos()); SetTimerEx("WalkToPoint", 1000, 1, WALK_END ); //WalkToPoint( WALK_END ); //Acquire weapon and skin RFC(F("compilestring")("FindPlayer("+GetMyID()+").SetWeapon(4,1);"))(); RFC(F("compilestring")("FindPlayer("+GetMyID()+").Skin=1"))(); SetTimerEx("SetLocalValue", 1000,1, I_CURWEP, 4); } function OnNPCScriptLoad(params) { if(!MiamiScale_Init("default.map")) { SendChat("My map is not loaded. Bye"); QuitServer(); } } function OnNPCScriptUnload() { MiamiScale_Unload(); }
You can download walking-man complete server here (mediafire ~10 MB)